Saturday, January 17, 2009

Still born found in Quebec laundry

Does it surprise anyone that on January 17th 2009 a still born child was found among the filthy laundry of a Montreal hospital?

This is coming from a province with the highest abortion rate in Canada in all categories (stats Can). For a population that is around 60% of what Ontario is. Quebec more than handily beat every other province for his horrible honor.

It should come to no surprise to anyone that looks at the numbers and truly understands what this province and the government that represents them thinks of its population and its unborn children. Children are simply discarded. Discarded like soiled bed sheets.

It is sad to think in a country like ours where we are trying so hard to grow our population, let alone maintain it that in a seventeen year period from 1989 to 2006 we aborted more than 1,800,000 children in this country. Of that, Quebec accounts for over 500,000 of the abortions.

From 1999 to 2003 Quebec had 365,702 live births and 154,665 abortions. That means that well over 40% of the residents of Quebec that became pregnant aborted their baby. How’s that for population control?

Ask me again how I think its possible that a still born child was found in the laundry with all of yesterdays filth, and I’ll tell you its because we’ve lost focus of the most valuable natural resource we have in this, the greatest country in the world……..our children.

May God forgive us…..Dear God please forgive us.

Incase you think I make this stuff up. Check the stats for yourself.

Data for Quebec regions, cumulative for 1999-2003, residents only

-live births











Mauricie and Centre-du-Quebec


101,307 Abortion rate over 60%





Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Letter To MP Bev ODA

To: Hon. Bev Oda, P.C., MP

In reference to Part one of the Child Tax benefit Application that refers to whom is considered “primarily responsible” for our children.

I am completely floored by the fact that I would be required to have a letter from my wife stating that I could be considered a primary care giver for my 3 children. I do recall that when I was married that we agreed to equally share the responsibilities of the family and our children. I am as much a part of the care of my children and the way that they are raised as my wife. I contest that this requirement is an insult to fathers and the role that they play in the family today. That this is just another attempt to feminize the male population and destroy family as we know it. Our government needs to bring the father back into the equation when the matter of the family is being address. Not this continual destruction and demonizing that is currently the agenda. It is not acceptable. I firmly believe that this way of thinking is what is leading the trend of lazy misguided youth that feel that the world owes them something. Strengthen the father and you strengthen the family.

Husband and wife are equal partners in the role of parenting our children. Your documents should reflect this.

“For Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB) purposes, it is presumed
that when both a male and a female parent live in the
same home as the child, the female parent is considered to be
primarily responsible (see the definition on page 2 of this
information sheet) for the child(ren) and should apply. However,
if the male parent is primarily responsible, he can apply if he
attaches a signed note from the female parent to his application,
which states that the male parent is primarily responsible for the

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Work Place Bullying.

Work Place Bullying.

You know our society has become soft when we have forgotten how to deal with our own social problems. Gone is the day when we would teach our children how to effectively resolve their issues in life. Instead, we teach them how to run to the nearest government agency and ask for a hand out and rescue package.

We have become blind, lame and paralyzed and have lost the skills that our grand parents had mastered. In an age where no one wants to talk unless it’s in the form of an email or a text message. It’s no wonder we have such issues. We have lost the ability to affectively communicate with each other.

And now we have a private members bill that is looking to add more laws and to lump more responsibility on our employers for our inability to “deal” with each other.

Instead of another law why don’t we stress a social/moral change? Take our kids and teach them, rebuke them, correct them and train them. Show them how to be effective communicators.

Another law does nothing to fix a social issue like this. It only serves as a punishment when we fail.

Social change not legal reform.

"Who do you think you are?"

I'm still grinning about this.

I had someone come to me today in reference to my recent submissions that I had made to local and national papers. Thankfully a few of the papers decided to run my letters and it seems that a few people got the chance to read them.

Someone having seen my article came to me and with much disgust in his eyes asked me "Who do you think you are?"

Me? I asked

"Where do you get off writing crap like that in the papers?" he said.

Ahhh! I thought to myself. He has obviously seen my article that ran in the local paper referring to Jack Layton and him needing to step down. Well, I said to him. You want to know who I think I am? I'm a proud Canadian that cares about the abuse of power in my country.

Its funny you know. I use to sit and wonder how I would ever be able to get heard and to ensure that the views of my family and I would not fall on deaf ears. Well, I think I found it.

To the guy that called me an idiot for saying what I thought about Jack Layton in my letter, thank-you for the inspiration to carry on. Its view points just like that, which make this sort of thing needed.

Ron V. thank-you for always speaking from your heart and believing in your cause. You inspire people and you hold others accountable.

Christians, always remember "all scripture is God breathed and right for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. So that the man of god may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Lets get something straight.

So lets get something straight.

First we gather the facts on candidates and their party affiliation. We look at things like the policies they deem important and we make a decision at some point whether or not we are going to vote for them.

Sort of sound like the makings of the average informed voter?

OK then, next.

Then on the day of the election we go to a polling station and we cast our informed vote for a candidate and a party of our choice.

Then the winning party (not parties) with the most votes takes office and happily runs our great country.



If you ask the NDP and the Liberal parties you do not need to be elected by the people to run our country. In fact if you go even one step further. The Liberal's have even decided to change the leader of their party and try and shove him into the PM seat.

HOLD ON ONE MINUTE!!!! What kind of games are these?

First you try and oust an elected PM, and then you try and put a person (Ignatieff) into the seat? He wasn't even part of the election process 3 months ago. How can a man that was not voted into power once, gain control of his own party and then without an election gain control of an entire country?

I'm suggesting that we change the name of the Liberal Party to the "Lollipop Party". Because its obvious that they mistake us all for suckers.

“Murdered cows”

“Murdered cows”

Recently I read a story on the website from Editor Chris Doucette about four cows that had been “murdered”.
It seems that during the night someone went to a farm on the border of Welland and Pelham in Ontario, Canada between Dec. 10 and 15, 2006 and just took a knife to the 4 cows for fun. I was compelled to read the story twice because I thought I had miss read it. It turned out that I didn’t.

I’ll first say that I do not condone the destruction of anyone’s personal property or animal cruelty in anyway.

I’m curious how we in our Canadian society have come to regard cows as people. To say that the cows were “murdered” is absolutely crazy!
To say that the killing of the cows was a Senseless slaughter, definitely.

The Criminal code of Canada defines “murder” as "The person who causes the death of a human being”.

A "Human Being"….not a cow.

I am greatly disturbed when I read stories like this because I am seeing more and more in our courts that stiffer jail terms are given to people that kick a dog, than for people that abuse our children.

Time to put the focus back on our children and pass me a burger.

Ignatieff to be the new Liberal Leader

Ignatieff to be the new Liberal Leader

Recently the Liberal party brass has made it clear that Ignatieff was to be the new Liberal Leader.

I find it down right absurd the fact that in a recent interview Bob Rae of the Liberal party complained that changing leaders without a vote is elitist and undemocratic and would exclude tens of thousands of party members across the country. Rae says that all Liberal leaders should get to vote.


What’s the matter Rae? Is it tough taking your own medicine? Liberal Hypocrite!

Don't worry Bob, most Canadians agree with you (for once). A government chosen by voters is what we all want.